Every year I get lost in "the meaning of Christmas. Between my Christian upbringing, the political madness (Say Happy Holidays, not Merry Christmas!), the busy-ness, the stress of money and time, the extra hours at work, and the constant noise around me...my view of Christmas changes almost every year.
This year, it's for the better.
This year, I've officially decided that I believe in magic.
I believe in Santa as much as my little girls, because the excitement in their eyes is more convincing than anything I've ever been told.
I believe that the buzz of Christmas has been commercialized, and it's thing to be felt, not accomplished.
I believe that the true meaning of Christmas IS Jesus' birthday, but that you can believe in magic too.
I believe that things get harder for those around us at Christmas, to make us appreciate the things we can't reach or understand.
I believe that traditions are things you can start at any age.
I believe it possible to send love, peace and strength, instead of material gifts.
I believe in old fashioned Christmas cards, and will never email them.
I believe that those that are suffering should be our focus, instead of those craving spoiling.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I believe life shows us hardships, to force us to remember the small things.
After closing my eyes. and feeling my way through a store to find the perfect gift for somebody that needs texture...I believe that Christmas is held in the eyes of children, and in the touch of people with special needs.
I believe Christmas music rarely tells the story right.
I believe that Christmas is a time of year, not a single day.
I believe that "Christmas" goes by many names, which doesn't make them any more right or wrong. (This tradition has been around for centuries, and the original story has long been forgotten. How do YOU celebrate Christmas? What about your great great great great grandmother?...follow your history; open your eyes))
I believe in magic.
Yours Truly,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
♫ I Believe...
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 12/22/2010 5 comments
Friday, December 3, 2010
**Facebook Awareness Campaigns
We had a ghost blog come in to our inbox today! I'm sure she'd love your two cents on this matter! - Nomz and Sazaran
Nomz's intro: To add a bit to this one...there are a lot of "Facebook Campaigns" that go around. Anything from "Change your picture to raise awareness!" or "make this your status if you agree!". It frustrates a lot of people that are actually out there DOING instead of SAYING. On the other hand, in my opinion...it still raises awareness. Getting people to think and talk about certain issues is the first step in creating an action. Hmmm...what are your thoughts?
Ghost Writer:
Wondering if it bothers anybody else in the world when people think that just changing their profile pic on Facebook really supports something. If you get inspired, please write about it to your audience.
This is my status today after a very rough week (My son's friend's Grandma and Grandpa lost their house to fire this week. I went to a cops funeral and another has been senselessly shot, and I ran my truck through a barbed wire fence, etc...):
" Hold up. Exactly how does changing your profile picture to a cartoon character support the fight against child abuse? I don't get it. All that did was change your profile pic. ** If you really want to support the fight, get involved as a mentor, volunteer at a shelter or school, or send money to the nearest Salvation Army or Safe House.** "
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 12/03/2010 5 comments
Labels: Facebook, Ghost Blogs
Thursday, December 2, 2010
♫ Ain't no cookin' like yo' mama's cookin'
My mama and my baby!
I need to note, before I get started, that a lot of these things in this blog are meant to be funny, (I kid, I kid!) but for the most part, it's nonfiction.
I love to cook. I adore cooking, but lately, not only is it hard to find the time to do the entire project (come onnnnn, we all know it's not about wham-bamming something together...the prep and clean up are HUGE chores), but I also hate that I don't own a recipe. I've borrowed hundreds, I've mastered several, I can follow a recipe and tweak it a bit and still have it turn out fine.
BUT...as the saying goes, there ain't no cookin', like yo' mama's cookin'. Mostly, I want to know, now that I'm a mom, when this saying kicks in!
Here's the thing...my mom came from a mom that can COOK. Obviously, most grandma's (if you're my age) grew up in the depression, and learned pretty quickly how to make masterpieces out of thin air and flower. I think as of late, or society has made cooking too simple...problem #1 for those of us that want to be infamous by our kids someday.
My mom then married a man from Minnesooooohta. If you know anything about the midwest, you know that any food made in the midwest is deep fried, slathered, and covered in cheese. So, my mastermind of a mama, combined what her brilliant mom taught her, with my daddy's cravings her grew up with, and mastered recipes! Those that have ever had her (or my) chicken enchiladas, beer cheese soup, lasagna, chicken & noodle soup with practically homemade noodles, breakfast anything, baked delights, etc....know I'm not kidding.
Here's where the joking comes in...IF my mom utters the words, "Come for a meal! I cleaned out the fridge today, added eggs, and call it garbage...it's really good!", OR, "I tried a new recipe on my pot roast, it's good this time!"...skip the invite. (I kid, I KID!)
My mama is a heckova cook, and I honestly can't wait until I inherit her gravy-making skills, her instinct to season when/where, her ability to know how slow to stir, and whatever else magic happens that makes ME a good cook, because I'm a mama too. Until then...I love you all for forwarding every one of your favorite recipes, for attempting my "new" recipes, and for laughing with me...when I kid, I KID!.
What's your favorite mama-dish?
Aside from the ones I listed above? My mom makes a killer bone soup. <---Not kidding.
Yours Truly,
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 12/02/2010 5 comments
Labels: comfort food, cooking, Food, mama's, mom
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
♫ Little Miss...
I've got this overwhelming urge to organize something, probably because my life is in such disarray at the moment. So, I'm organizing randomness. <--this takes talent, people.
I wish
*I wish the world, including myself, had less of a reliance for material items, and more of a need for emotional satisfaction.
*I wish, sometimes, that I could choose who reads our blog. Not that I want to block people, I wish I could block their assumptions though.
*I wish I wouldn't wait until I'm absolutely down and beaten, to remind myself that it's easier to be optimistic.
*I wish there was a way to decline kindness, without offending or hurting.
*I wish I could see the world through my kids' eyes.
*I wish more people would realize that it's the season to give, and not the season to gripe.
*I wish I could swoop up every hurting child in the world, and mother the heck out of them.
I've learned:
*I've learned that... "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves."
*I've learned that I make mistakes, and no matter how much I cry about them, they'll probably happen again.
*I've learned that when people have a void, they usually fill it with all of the wrong things, rather than seeking self worth.
*I've realized that I lack confidence in myself, and guilt trip myself as often as possible, to somehow make me feel better.
*I've learned that music heals faster than anything else.
I need to remember:
*I need to remember that most people, regardless of their actual action, have good intentions in mind.
*I need to remember that no matter what, I only have control over my reactions and emotions.
*I need to remember that I am right where I'm supposed to be, or God wouldn't have let the doors open.
New findings and musings:
*You're never too old to need your daddy.
*Tuesdays aren't nearly as bad as I always thought. In fact, they are right up there with Fridays in my book...all of a sudden.
*Bitterness in contagious. Fight it with immune boosters including but not limited to: optimism, 'thank you's', positive energy, the ability to walk away.
*Every girl needs a pile of good girlfriends.
*There is very little that cannot be cured with a flat iron and a glass of wine.
Yours Truly,
PS- My latest favorite tune, brought to you by Sugarland: (In case Sugarland makes your ears bleed, please see lyrics posted below video)
Little Miss down on love,
Little Miss I give up,
Little Miss I'll get tough, don't you worry 'bout me anymore
Little Miss checkered dress,
Little Miss one big mess,
Little Miss I'll take less when I always knew so much more
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright,
Yeah, sometimes ya gotta lose 'til ya win,
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright,
It'll be alright again, it'll be alright again
I'm okay, It'll be alright again, I'm okay (okay) It'll be alright again, I'm okay
Little Miss do your best,
Little Miss never rest,
Little Miss, be my guest, I'll make more anytime it runs out
Little Miss you'll go far,
Little Miss hide your scars,
Little Miss who you are is so much more than you like to talk about
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright,
Yeah, sometimes ya gotta lose 'til ya win,
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright,
It'll be alright again, it'll be alright again,
I'm okay, It'll be alright again, I'm okay (okay) It'll be alright again, I'm okay
Hold on, hold on, you are loved, are loved
Little Miss brand new start,
Little Miss do your part,
Little Miss big ole heart beats wide open, she's ready now for love
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright,
Yeah, sometimes ya gotta lose 'til ya win,
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright,
It'll be alright again, it'll be alright again
I'm okay, It'll be alright again, I'm okay (okay) It'll be alright again, I'm okay,
It'll be alright again
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 12/01/2010 6 comments
Labels: Friends, Life, Life Lessons, Little Miss, nomz, Random, Songs, Sugarland
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
"Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself... 'How did I get through all of that?'" -Unknown.
If anyone had ever predicted this past year to me, in detail, I would have screamed and kicked and cried. I would have thrown a very toddler-like fit at the change that would encroach upon my change-hating self. I would have cursed the day that said transition began to take place and I definitely would have resisted every step. Had the prediction come with, "It will be worth it. And here's why," I would have simply replied, "Bring it on." Wanna know why? Because God is faithful. He gives and He takes away. And what He replaces with what He takes away... man, it's so much more than "worth it". Having what I have now, what I will soon have, what I know He will eventually give me has made every tear, ever groan and every *head desk* completely and undeniably worth.it. And this thought is what will carry me through all of life's changes that I may not necessarily welcome with open arms.
“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.” –Anne Lamott
"You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You." Isaiah 26:3
More and more I realize that I love written words- because they allow me more time to really think about how I feel and put those feelings into physical imagery. So many times, my brain is working so quickly that when I talk I stutter, skip over entire words in the telling of a story, forget what I mean to say, get distracted or just plain interrupted. But when I write, I get to see the words flow from my mind/heart onto paper or screen. I get to think of what I want as I communicate it. No embarrassing slip ups, no misunderstanding (minus tone which I know can be an issue) and no worry of saying something I didn't mean to say. I'm able to choose phrases and lingo that matches precisely my mood, my intentions or my feelings. I cannot learn too many words and I cannot write too many thoughts. And as they leak onto "paper" I am always grateful for the comfort and accomplishment they bring.
“Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings tunes without words and never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson
I'm so thankful; for best friends and accomplices in shopping shenanigans. I'm thankful for being on the receiving end of blessing, though I am fully aware that I am undeserving of good things and amazing people. I'm thankful for friends and family that will stand with me through thick and thin; for a son who makes me smile every day; for the ability to laugh so readily; for being surrounded by people with colorful and rich personalities; for the irreplaceable ones; for the loyal and optimistic ones.
“Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” –Vaclav Havel
Newest little lesson: validation. Reminder: validation cannot come from people. Note to self: your validation comes from Christ alone. And if you seek validation from fellow, imperfect humans, you will be disappointed in them and in yourself all at the same time. When Christ validates you, He does so from a place of holiness and perfection. Because He is perfect and calls you perfect, your validation will be untouchable and everlasting and not based your mostly messy life punctuated by good deeds.
“Hope is the feeling that the feeling you have isn’t permanent.” –Jean Karr
I miss the days of cassette tapes with their love-music mixes and disposable cameras with their physically printed memories. There's something about holding a thing of sentimental value in your hands as opposed to being displayed on a glowing screen. I will always own journals and books. I will always have authorial collections in stacks upon stacks- taking up their reserved spaces on my shelves. I will always own CDs and listen to them until they wear out. Because they just seem so much more real when I can hold them in my hands.
Lately? Lately my cheeks have this little ache... I smile constantly. Some change is good.
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/23/2010 1 comments
Labels: hope, mat mackenzie, Quotes, Thanksgiving, Words, writing
Monday, November 22, 2010
♫ Random Monday: 11/22/10
Teaching my kiddos the importance of the SHOUT! song!
So...let's all SHOUT for Random Monday, shall we? OMG on a Monday and everything!
Random Monday's have become much, MUCH more random...thanks to a MUCH crazier life. But, I promise once a month or so, to throw in random musings and thoughts. Just what you always wanted, right?!
*I got absolutely spoiled rotten for my birthday. So much so, that I have high hopes to blog about the entire experience. BUT, a shout out, to those that made it absolutely amazing, who joined me for the multiple celebrations, and for overall making me feel adored. <3 A blog will come in your honor, I promise.
*I realized that it's not the matter of years in your life, but the matter of life in your years. <--yes, I stole that. But it's one thing to read it, and a whole different thing to KNOW it. I'm one blessed girl.
*Being a working mom is great most days. I get to see my kids first thing in the morning, pick out their clothes, wish them luck on their day, and usually say their prayers with them at night before bed, or even catch them in the early evening to get a recap on their adventures. Some days though, I do work two jobs, and it's harrrrrrd on my heart strings. Today is definitely one of those rough days
*I hate being lied to. I hate being blown off. And I really hate when they happen at the same time.
*Sometimes, I need more of an ear, than advice. I'm a problem solver by nature, I just like to whine about those problems before I solve them. <--I'm a girl, admittedly.
*There is a gentle balance between spendy and thrifty. It's not good to be too far on either side, trust me.
*You can love any bad behavior, bad germ, and bad luck out of any person. Love cures all.
*"Friends are God's way of apologizing for family." <--this quote will be in my "for days you need a laugh" file.
*It's almost Thanksgiving! And I can't wait to have me some HAM! I despise turkey. We are having a fun string of comments on our Facebook page about the different Thanksgivings our readers have though! Join us: Daily Offensive on Facebook!
*My support system has like...Hulk Hogan...strength. I mean, I've met the guy, and I can tell you that my support system could easy take him on (Thank you, for being the sole reason I survive our hectic lifestyle), and possibly beat him. They're amazing. And so much more attractive.
*I have babbbeeee fever. I mean, I don't want one, but I want to hold one so bad! WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE HAVE A BABY, KTHXBAI.
*Back to face Monday, which, all things considered, isn't too terrible afterall. :)
Yours Truly,
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/22/2010 4 comments
Labels: Random Monday
Friday, November 19, 2010
♥Note To Self:
I think I'd like to have a garden full of white and light pink peonies. Then, in the summer, I'd take my sun-hat, white linen dress, favorite book and spend hourrrrs just soaking in the sweet smell and printed words. Dream: (n).
It has just been TOO long since I've walked along the beach, barefoot and full of thoughts. The sound of water always helps me sort through said musings. I'm pretty sure my home in heaven will be a seaside flat. Cause Jesus knows it's what my heart wants most.
Why is it that expensive taste floats around in my blood? It's just not fair. I want allll the pretty things.
Is it weird that I study people's profiles (not the Facebook kind)? I love noticing details like the bridge of a nose, the length of eyelashes, the posture of a forehead and the position of cheekbones. If I were an artist, I think I would have sketched books and books of profiles from everyone I set my eyes upon.
If today had a color, I think it would be powder-purple.
I want a life full of snowflake kisses and counting stars. I want endless summer nights by a campfire and road-trips with the windows rolled down and the music in my hair- feet propped up on the dashboard, bopping to the beat. I want a life infused with unquenchable giggles and nail painting parties. With early morning tea and journal scribbles. I want to always turn to the middle of a book and find it just as thrilling as the beginning or end.
When in doubt, stick your foot out and wait for it to contact with faith.
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." -Hamilton Wright Mable
Someday I want to be involved in a grand comic tragedy in which I can actually blurt out, "Words, don't fail me now!"
Remember the game of story writing? Remember when you'd write one little part and pass it along for another's input? See below:
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/19/2010 0 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
♫ I'm going to divorce Brandon.
Oh gosh people, stop looking at me like that. I can't divorce a guy I'm not married to. But IF we were to ever get married, and IF Eva Mendes showed up at our doorstep begging for his companionship, I'd gladly walk away. That's our deal. He has an "out", somebody he can leave me for without any hard feelings. Mine? Oooooh hoho, ladies and gents, mine is Gerard Butler (right?!).
And thennnn, whilst coming up with these words, I found this picture: (please refrain from licking your monitor, ok?)
Post drooling, I'd love to know if you and yours have discussed such madness. Would you leave your guy/gal for a celebrity? If so, who?
In my opinion...you can't really, truly, successfully love somebody until you can admit and love your own shortcomings. I know I'm gorgeous and loveable without the perfect skin and bouncy chest. ;) It's important to be able to openly discuss what you feel are your weaknesses are, and be able to joke about them. He's going to love you anyway ladies, as long as your secure in who you are without his approval. So, lovlies, lust away at your favorite actor/actress, laugh at the unfathomable, and love yourself first. Enjoy the bliss of imperfections!
Yours Truly,
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/18/2010 4 comments
Labels: divorce, eva mendes, flaws, gerard butler, Relationships, self esteem
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
♥ Thoughts
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/16/2010 2 comments
♥Happy Birthday Beautiful Nomz!
Ever have that friend that is just so right for you? The one you love closer than a sibling; who can compare quite closely to a giant piece of chocolate cake; who gets you without even trying? I haz one. Well, I haz more than one. But, today this post is about one in particular. You know of her- she's said co-blogger and "all around goddess of paperclips".
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/16/2010 1 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
♫ Veteran's Day...Mixed Emotion?
It hurts my insides to read the press, the blogs, the tweets, the Facebook posts, etc. today. It seems like a lot of people have turned the day from what it should be, to a political stance.
Today is about remembering. Not just September 11th - the reason our troops our fighting for our country overseas. But about every battle they've ever chosen to fight in all of history. The huge world wars, the fights on our own soil, the battles they fight every day against people that choose not to support them. Today is about remembering not only those that risked and sacrificed their own lives, but those of their families as well.
They fight for our right to be independent, free individuals. People are dying for our right to blog, to eat, to pray, to speak, to live.
Regardless of your political standings, your thoughts on whether we should be fighting a war, remember that these men and women are fighting for you to have an opinion. Celebrate them, pray for them, and thank them...not just today, but every time you see a uniform.
Yours Truly,
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/11/2010 3 comments
Labels: Soldiers, Troops, Veteran's Day
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
♫ Help a Mom out!
Over the last few weeks, I've had all this inspiration to write mom-help blogs. And for fear of being judged or criticized, I've chosen to ignore that little prodding inside. It must be a rebellious day, because I've changed my mind. And instead of writing a few different plea-for-advice blogs, I'm putting them all in this one, in a shorter, easier to read form. Be gentle.
My oldest has gone from nightmaring, to slumbering so hard, I have to stick my finger under her nose every night to make sure she's still breathing (yes, I really do it every night). My youngest, only a year behind her, has hit that stage. Every night she wakes up with a nightmare.
We've gotten in to quite the routine. She wakes up, sits up, hollers for me, I go in, she tells me that her heart is broken again (cutest thing everrrrr, right?!), and that she wants to pray about her bad dream. We do, she goes back to sleep, usually peacefully.
Dilemma: It's cold in my house at night, I'm lazy, and after a really rough night last night, Brandon and I reflected on our childhoods and remembered both of our parents asking us to come to their room to report the offense, getting told to get a drink, and go back to bed. I wonder, dear moms, is it the cold house that spurs this decision? Am I doing it backwards or spoiling her by going to her? What did your parents do when you were little?
**Mammaaaaaa, don't leeeeeeeave!**
My oldest, once again for comparison, never went through the abandonment fear. EVER. She also never went through a terrible two, three, or four. So, when my youngest came along, I assumed I'd rock the toddler stages out again with ease. To my surprise, as of late, my youngest has a new fear of me leaving her. She cries, tells me that she is going to miss me, and according to reports...quits the second I walk out of the house.
I normally handle it by giving her extra loves and snuggles, telling her our entire agenda for the day (where she'll be, where I'll be, when we'll be home together, etc.), then I make sure she knows I love her, and I leave. It's gotten slightly better this week, fingers crossed it continues.
Dilemma: Is four the normal age for this, or is it the new routine/new school dance that we're doing? Am I handling it right?
**MY Nightmares**
Obviously, like any mom, my nightmares are that somebody will harm or steal my children in some way. I can't ask for advice, because there is only one way to extinguish that fear: stop loving.. I'll live with the nightmares, thank you very much.
Dilemma: What do you do to ensure the safety of your child? WHY do we tolerate things like this: Sick and Disturbing? (In case you're afraid to click on it, it goes to Amazon dot com, and the only thing that will make your gut churn or raise your brow, is a book title. There are no pictures or not-safe-for-work material.)
It's infuriating that we're enabling! This is only one sick example...there are creepy books, websites, and useful information at hand for scary, scary people to get ahold of...but what do we do as an act of prevention, rather than waiting until something occurs?
Would you consider yourself overprotective?
Yours Truly,
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/10/2010 4 comments
Labels: Child Abuse, children, nightmares, Parenting, Toddlers
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
♥I want to go ice skating.
Today, though it hasn't turned out quite like I wanted it to, is still good. That's what I'm telling myself. Yeah, yeah, okay the snow looks a little pretty as it falls slowly outside my window. And, yeah, the Christmas song I'm listening to is transitioning me from disappointment mode into seeing-the-silver-lining mode. So.
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/09/2010 3 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
♫ Word Vomit
I'm frustrated with the complexity of life sometimes. I get so wrapped up in my stress, tension, and to-do list, that I forget how easy it is in a moment, to simplify life long enough to enjoy it.
It's been a few weeks since a Random Monday blog, mostly for lack of time. Writing one at this point would just be ridiculous. It'd be 10 miles long, and 3 miles deep!
Instead, I need to just write. Did you ever do those exercises in English, where you weren't allowed to stop your pen from moving for an allotted amount of time? It works like a vacuum on cobwebs...and even makes this fun *shwoop!* noise! ...Well, not so much, but it works.
Please don't feel like you have to read through this mess, or even comment. Strike that. I want you to comment, in the same form. Write everything in your head, for five minutes straight. Under 'anonymous'. Get it all out. I'm listening, and will be praying for every commenter! <3
Annnnnnnnnd go:
We make life too complicated. I love the sound of crunchy leaves. I love my dogs, but I hate the puppy phase. She eats everything. I love my girls, but age four is painful. I love working, but I miss my family. I am tired of the single mom song. I love my God, and I love that He doesn't take roll call. I am afraid to fly, but am trying anyway. I LOVE both of my jobs. I'm overwhelmed with things to be grateful for. I am blessed to have a hellova support team. I love the smell of clean sheets, but not pillowcases. I want all pillowcases to smell like him. My camera and inspiration has been revived. I wish every summer was an Indian one. I have amazing friends. I'm not afraid to be 27, and am actually quite excited for this year. I love my curtains. It's ok that I only see one friend at a time. I will never stop loving ChickFilA. I adore reading. I am journaling again, in an old fashioned kind, pen and paper, the kind my girls will be able to hold and smell someday. I hate that glasses have gone from an accessory to a requirement. I hate short fuses. I hate long nights. I love making up. My bookshelf is my new favorite accessory to the living room, especially when perfectly dusted and topped with a good smelling candle. I wish people wouldn't be afraid of change. I hate laziness. I am not a felon, I am a divorcee...quite different. I am too forgiving. My daughter has my teeth, yay? My other daughter firmly believes that the decorated pumpkin in her room is giving her bad dreams, and that praying and dream catchers save her when they're not too tired. I wonder sometimes, if some people will ever leave denial, and find happiness. I worry even more often, that those same people will put themselves in the ground before realizing that change isnt a bad as they think. I'm hard to love, easy to trust, and fun to watch. I firmly believe in fairies. And wishes. And love. And forever. I find that passion, when squandered, does more harm than good. I'm tired of feeling like a thorn in her side. I miss the "her" that I remember so fondly. I hate being spiteful. I wish he'd get the appreciation he deserves. I have a newfound love for orange. It's impossible to make everybody happy, but it doesn't hurt to try. I live for experience and memories, not matieral items. I want fondue. I love, love, love everything about every kind of lily. Love is never-ending. Kindness is contagious. Naps aren't just for kids.
16 minutes.
Your turn! I'll even make the *shwoop* noise for you!
Yours Truly,
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/07/2010 11 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
♥Amazing Testimony Time!!
Today started out not so well. I woke up later than I was supposed to in order to get Malachi to the meeting point... you know, the whole week with his dad thing. Bleh.
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 11/02/2010 6 comments
Monday, October 25, 2010
♥ Learn ALL the things?!
* God can speak through fortune cookies and vinyl wall quotes. He can. Cause He's God and He has a great many ways to speak.
* It's best to turn off your headlights. That is if you don't want to have to jump-start your car four times a week, during winter. <---Why I learned this lesson during the worst nine months of the year, I'm not sure. Still learning it actually.
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 10/25/2010 1 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
♫ Crave what you've lost?
So there I was, laying in bed at 10pm, listening to Brandon in the tractor about a mile away, doing everything he could to get his work done before the weather turned. We had just spat about how I feel like a needy girl, and act accordingly. And I remembered that aside from his charm, his good looks, his funny jokes, his low brow comedy, and his ability to dance my feet off...I fell in love with his character. His ability to put all things aside to make sure the work got done, with his integrity in tact.
We fall in love with what grabs our heart, sweeps us off our feet, and what makes our insides all swoony.
Common heart-flutterings:
*A man in a suit
*A man in uniform
*A woman cooking
*A woman impregnated
*A man worshiping the God you both love
*A man holding a baby
*A man that knows hard work
*A man covered in hard work
*A man in a kitchen
*A woman with independence
*A man of strength
It's absolutely impossible for me to cover everything, because we're all different. Everybody has something inside of them that makes them go aflutter though, that warms their insides, that makes them yearn for more from somebody, and that indefinitely attracts us to them forever.
Sometimes, we get so lost in the noise of the rest of the world, that we forget the fireworks that created "us". We crave more of each other, but we forget what it's like to give first. We want old fashioned romance, even though we've had it all along. Yeah, yeah...he makes you mad, he doesnt do enough around the house, he doesnt say the right things...but does he still come home in that uniform that you fell in love with? Does he still know exactly where to kiss you when he wants a little something-something? I thought so.
We don't lose each other usually...we lose ourselves. We get comfortable, and crave more, instead of being thankful for exactly what we've got.
Why'd he fall in love with you? Find that again...and you'll have him straight back into your arms.
With love,
PS. The last time my heart soared, it was actually caught on camera, thanks to Ardent Photography. Thus, why it's going in a frame, and looked at every time I think I need more from him...and then I'm slapping myself.
Do YOU have any pictures you need to dust off?
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 10/22/2010 3 comments
Labels: advice, love, pictures, Relationships, Romance
♥Yet another untitled post.
I wish things in real life came with a "like" button.
I wish there were Roman wishing wells for moments in life. Throw a penny in and you’re bound to return to that moment of big grins and happy hearts.
I’m all for making messes. The bigger the mess, the better the result of whatever is being fashioned. Which is why my room and I are covered in paint, clippings and creativity. It must be something about the holiday season nipping at our heels that’s prompting this urge to make stuff.
For the second time, a week of no Malface is close at hand. Rather than scheduling myself so full that I have no time to breathe or notice the silence of my house I’ve decided to try to drift through the days, flowing where they may take me. A certain, charming coffee shop in a certain, charming city is calling my name as well as a Big Ass Book of Crafts (no, really, that’s its name!) that I plan on delving into to provide a slight distraction. Also, the ol’ camera and I plan on spending good, quality time together. It’s been much, much too long.
Oh and I plan on taking part in a Harry Potter marathon, too, before Deathly Hallows Part 1 comes out {28 daaayyys! Eeeee!}.
Saw this on a friend's status update this morning: "A morning without coffee is like sleep." I KNOW, RIGHT?!
A few weeks ago I toured around beautiful Ft. Collins, CO with friends popping in and out of the little shops that litter the downtown region and saw a piece of artwork that was so so cute and really easy to make. So, what did I do? I made it! Duh! And I'm quite proud of myself!

Oooh, today makes me want to grab a piece of chalk and a flat rock and draw a giant's sized hopscotch game in the parking lot of work. We'd have to jump, like, realllly far to get to each square! Who wants to play with me?!
It sorta makes me sad that I've neglected my camera for so long. What makes me even a little more sad is that it's almost quite impossible to find stuff to take pictures of here. I'm a photographer for crying out loud! I should be able to find things that are not obvious to the eye and make it an amazing photo, like I've done before: http://jpgmag.com/people/SarahML.
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 10/22/2010 2 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
♫ Random Monday:: 10/18/10
Oh my, on a Monday and everything!
*Random Monday, it's been entirely too long since we had a chat, let's!
*My most recent endeavor? Young Farmers. It's sort of an adult version of FFA, something I always wanted to get involved in but wasn't allowed the chance. I am using my Social Marketing skills to get more involvement in the Front Range chapter, hope to get involved at a national level, and am determined to figure out why Wyoming disbanded. Al, you and I have quite the project ahead of us. Like my new page! Front Range Young Farmers
*That new endeavor makes me the admin of FOUR Facebook pages. Connected? You could say that. FYI...I'm going to start charging for my brilliance.
*I don't normally blog on a Sunday, but my heart sort of spilled all over the place yesterday, and made quite the mess: A Rainy October
*My Ashley and I are going to start a drive-thru pizza place, because people around here have yet to create such a thing. I was thinking about naming it "There". You know, so you can say: "Want to go to There for pizza?", and when people respond with "Their pizza, is it good?", you can respond with "Eeeediot. THERE pizza, not THEIR pizza, didn't you learn anything in fourth grade?"
*I happen to be very much in love, thank you very much. Brandon continues to amaze. <3
*I am starrrrving, and my kids ate all the yogurt. Sigh.
*Speaking of them! They have recently grown about four feet, aged quicker than bananas, and are the thing in this world that I am most proud of.
*Tomorrow is the birthday of a girl that I went from loving dearly, to missing sorely, to mourning, to realizing that sometimes life just sends people in different directions, and it's probably for a reason. I continue to love what we had, and wish her the best. Happy Birthday, Kara. 10 years ago this month, we've been friends!
*I was always worried that uploading too many pictures to Facebook would overwhelm people. I changed my mind and upload almost daily. Don't whine either, it's not like I force you to browse them!
*Sometimes, I could torture a certain ex-somebody with little regret. The lies are stacking against his favor. BUT I have to remember that no matter how much I want to be, I can't be in control...nor should I be. God's got this, I'll trust that, and let life catch up to him...at least until he actually hurts the little hearts involved.
*Anybody dressing up for Halloween?
*"When you no longer need to prove anything to anyone and can simply be yourself with no apologies - you have arrived."
Yours Truly,
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 10/18/2010 1 comments
Saturday, October 16, 2010
♫ A Rainy October
Here's the thing...
In Sazaran's most recent blog, she said this about me, and it really couldn't be more true: "Nomz may seem like she’s fallen off the face of the planet. But, I can tell you that that isn’t the case. In fact, I believe she’s familiarizing herself with this planet in a whole new way. Let’s cheer her on in making the right choices, trusting more than she has before and seeing things in a new light. Because, after all, she happens to life; life doesn’t happen to her."
October has been bittersweet, and I won't mind so much if the door does indeed hit it in the ass on its way out. I'm an extremely independent girl, completely dependent and leaning hard on the people that count in my life...and it makes my insides hurt.
I'm learning the hard way, that when you take the chance of flying, you'll probably ruffle some feathers. I followed my heart, I'm learning to stand on my own two feet and rebuild, and I'm learning the hard truth that not everybody is going to like it.
I defeated a zipline in the dark last night with my favorites last night, and I'm off to conquer the rest of the world with them by my side! My support system, like that 30 foot high cable, is constant. It's safe. It's trustworthy. It's faithful. I'm latching on and enjoying this ride! (It wasn't just who was present last night...if you're in "my village", you know exactly who you are. I love you so hard.)
You see...It's not who stood by and watched you fall, it's not who looked at your decisions disapprovingly, its not who talked about your mistakes. It's the people that stayed by your side through all of those things unfailingly, that really matter the most.
I am indeed seeing the this world in a whole new light. I am getting so familiar with this change that I'm calling it "home". I am falling in love. I am happening to life.
Yours Truly,
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 10/16/2010 5 comments
Labels: Bad Days, Life, nomz, Quotes, Songs, support system, village
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
♥ Happyness is overflowing
* We're TIRED. Wanna know why? Cause we danced our booties off, sang our lungs out, smiled until our cheeks twitched and cried until our happyness was overflowing. Yes, happy tears. Why? Because our darling Ashley! became Mrs. White on this very 10/10/10. Ashley, we love you we love you we love you. You are the reason we have hope that there is such a thing as a love that will last a lifetime. All we wish for you and your new HUSBAND (!!!!) are stars in your eyes forever. These amazing photos that capture the White Wedding in a way that no one else could? They were taken by Ardent Photography (who will take MY wedding photos one day, just sayin'). You can view more of the blessed day and other accomplishments by visiting their blog.
* Things I want to remember:
* I wish there were more opportunities to get all dolled up with bright red lips, frenchy nails, lashy lashes and shoes covered in sparkle. It does wonders for self-confidence.
* “There seems no plan because it is all plan.” Thanks, Mr. Lewis, I needed that.
* Nomz may seem like she’s fallen off the face of the planet. But, I can tell you that that isn’t the case. In fact, I believe she’s familiarizing herself with this planet in a whole new way. Let’s cheer her on in making the right choices, trusting more than she has before and seeing things in a new light. Because, after all, she happens to life; life doesn’t happen to her. <--- her own words, btw.
* It seems an ironic and cruel twist of fate that I love music so much but cannot play it one iota.
* As this whole custody battle wraps up (as I fight fear and worry, like I do, about making the right decisions) I really feel God saying, “It doesn’t matter what decision you make. Do you think it will affect how I will provide for you and make everything work out for your good? Whatever you choose, I will provide for you and Mal.” And then... Peace. Total undiluted peace. So, I’m good with whatever happens from here on out. Even the timing of it all doesn’t get to me like it used to. I think because after all this time it has finally sunk in that God is more in control than I’ve given Him credit for. And really, I wouldn’t want it any other way.
* No, really. I neeeeed to take pictures. I just don’t know what to take pictures OF.
* I’m a word-nerd (as if you didn’t know). So, here’s your dose of quotes for the week:
“Your life is your message to the world. Make it inspiring.”
-Lorrin L. Lee
“Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still.” -Chinese Proverb
“I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of hunger for life that gnaws in us all.” –Richard Wright
“I think the most significant work we ever do, in the whole world, in our while life, is done within the four walls of our own home.” -Stephen R. Covey
“I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it, too.” –Diane Ackerman
“I haven’t a clue how my story will end, but that’s all right. When you set out on a journey and
night covers the road, that’s when you discover the stars.” – Nancy Willard
Posted by Daily Offensive (baha!) at 10/13/2010 5 comments
Labels: Ardent Photography