Actually, this isn't so much of an update as it is a wrap-up. We wanted you, our awesomely awesome readers to know how many bras we collected, in total.
With bras trickling in even months after we officially stopped taking them, we were able to donate 376 bras to Free The Girls! {And I don't think we even collected bras from other drop-off points! Am I right, Wyomingwildrose?} This is amazing, people! I don't think we can clearly express just how much this will help those victims who have been rescued from modern-day slavery, who are yet to be rescued and who help with the rescuing. The impact we've made on these people will ripple out and bring so much healing and new life to others. And you helped do it! Bravo to you!!
I (Sazaran) had the chance to meet Kimba, the co-founder of FTG, and talk to her a little bit about what's to come. She informed me that they're well on their way to becoming a non-profit organization which means they'll be able to accept monetary donations as well as bras. They've also had businesses from Denver partner with them and are planning new ways to actually get the bras to Africa.
It just gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, don't it? :)
SO. With that being said, let's keep in mind that there's still so much to do. Human trafficking is a tangled mess of evil that won't easily be squashed. What can you/we still do to keep the efforts of Kimba and countless other fueled? Well...
To end in an upbeat style, check out these pictures of our journey to free the girls!
We want to give huge-mongous Thank yous to:
Channel News 5 for highlighting the story and helping us raise our voices
Jay for his awesome attitude and willingness to hop right in and support our efforts.
Ruby Juice for being the main avenue for donations (I think they should have kept the bras for decoration, but that's just me).
Each and every soul who chose to donate new, used and gently used bras. You made the difference. And we love your faces for it.
<3 Nomz and Sazaran