Monday, April 19, 2010

♥What would you attempt?

It's a good question, though, isn't it? A fellow writer of mine: Greenbean posted this on her blog last week and before I even started to explore her rant on health, I was stopped dead in my tracks and punched in the face with this. What would I attempt? I have so many desires, ideas, dreams. Just filter out all the fickle things along the lines of "hunt down every pair of amazing shoes" or "kiss Gerard Butler" and I'd do this: start a non-profit coffee shop called International House Of Coffee (yes, IHOC). Picture it. We will serve amazing coffee with flairs from all over the world; pastries that induce drool; items for sale that go directly to supporting children and families all over the world. I would definitely travel to take loads of pictures which would be hung up and sold. Everything in the coffee shop would be for sale- the cool coffee mugs, the decor, the coffee paraphernalia. And, besides supporting myself and Malachi, I would send the majority of the proceeds to hand-picked "charities" or organizations which work to give life to those who need it. Yep, that is at the top of the list. Also, I'd like to backpack through Europe, like they did in the 70's. Also also, I'd probably quit my job and make a living by designing amazing jewelry.

Obviously, I'm addicted to Hobby Lobby. First, because hello they're amazing. Second, because they send amazing quotes like this with their marketing emails:
"Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before." -James Buckham
Which brings me to this Barlow Girl song. I has been stuck on repeat for the last few days. When I'm driving I listen to it and it gives me so much encouragement. Really, this could apply to anything- divorce, dieting, a math test...

A few years ago, a man of God spoke over my life. He said, "God will reveal your hidden secrets and inner talents." Seriously, I have never seen a word like that come to pass in such an obvious way. These little rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces I've begun to make are such a surprise to me! I knew I was creative and somewhat talented but I did not know I could do this. Let me share with you a few of my gems. And ZOMG I have so many "fans" already! Thank you, you lovely people!

Funny joke: What do you call a tired piece of popcorn? A poopedcorn. I laughed so big at this.

I absolutely cannot wait until Malachi starts talking in full and clever sentences. I don't care how embarrassed I may be at one point, I want to hear his thoughts and laugh at the amazing sense of humor that I know he has.

Who says Monday is a bad day? I have a list right here that proves how good my Mondays are:
1. Lunch with the best girls in this armpit of Wyoming.
2. An always random, entertaining, thought-provoking, funny blog by Nomz. It's like coffee, I get grumpy when I don't have it.
3. Catching up with FB friends after a two-day sabbatical.

Speaking of that blessed networking site, I'd like to share with you a few of the groups that you must join:
I was owning on mario cart, then i realised i wasnt the top screen....
I regularly open my fridge and stand gazing inside for no reason at all
I'd love to join your group, but I can't. It's improperly punctuated.
Those Who Enjoy + Partake In the Distribution and Acquisition of High Fives
"Can I have a coke?" Is pepsi alright? "Uh, Is monopoly money alright?"
Driving around the block again to listen to the song on the radio


Nomz said...

I just noticed that my Monday's seem a LOT like your Monday's! Thanks for reminding me that they're not so bad! <3

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